This Week: Candidates Forum on Transit in Upper Manhattan

As the calendar turns to September, it can only mean one thing: meeting season is back. This week, there are three meetings on the calendar, discussing everything from transit to delivery cyclists. Here are the details…
  • Wednesday: Manhattan Community Board 8’s Transportation Committee will meet to hear an update on streetscape improvements along 86th Street, to discuss the intersection of East 96th Street and FDR Drive, and to consider a request for four parking spaces in front of Ronald McDonald House on East 73rd Street. 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: The City Council’s Transportation Committee is meeting to consider four bills that would affect commercial and delivery cyclists, including one that would require all commercial cyclists to complete a traffic safety course. 10:00 a.m.
  • Thursday: WE ACT for Environmental Justice is hosting a candidates forum for the 31st Senate District and 72nd Assembly District to discuss transit issues with residents of Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill and Hamilton Heights. RSVP required. Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.; forum begins at 6:30 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: Livable Streets Proposals Take Manhattan

It’s all about Manhattan community boards this week, with discussions and advisory votes on crucial transit, pedestrian and cyclist improvements. Tonight: The transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 6 will discuss the 34th Street Transitway, and may offer a resolution. 7 p.m.  Tuesday: The Manhattan CB 2 transpo committee will hear a report from NYCDOT […]

This Week: NYC Transit, From Vignelli to Lhota

The past, present and future of city transit are represented on the calendar this week, highlighted by a Wednesday forum with MTA chair Joe Lhota. Manhattan community boards will discuss a proposed pedestrian plaza on the East Side and street design surrounding an existing plaza in the Meatpacking District, and the EDC’s Joshua Nelson will […]

This Week: Hudson Greenway Detour, Bike-Share in Brooklyn

This summer the Parks Department presented a plan to route cyclists away from the waterfront greenway and onto a hilly, poorly-lit path between 72nd Street and 83rd Street. The greenway can get crowded along the water on summer days, but most of the time the current path doesn’t pose a problem. Nevertheless, as presented, the Parks Department’s proposal […]

Speak Up for a Safer, More Accessible East Side Tonight

Tonight’s CB 6 transportation committee meeting is an especially important one, with East Side bike-share, cross-town bike lanes and 34th Street Select Bus Service all on the agenda. It’s an opportunity to show support for a variety of livable streets initiatives at once. As always, the more voices supporting safer streets and effective transit, the […]
CB 7 asked DOT to do better than painted bike lanes on 110th Street, depicted above. Image: DOT

This Week: DOT’s Revised Plans for 110th Street Bike Lanes

In June, DOT proposed painted bike lanes for 110th Street between Riverside Drive and Frederick Douglass Circle, at the northwest corner of Central Park. Members of Manhattan Community Board 7 said that wasn't good enough, asking DOT to come back with a design that protects cyclists from motorized traffic. On Tuesday, DOT will come back to CB 7 with its revised design. If you want 110th Street to be safe for New Yorkers of all abilities to bike on, it's important to show up.