Eyes on the Street: Runoff Retention? Sidewalk Extension!

Clarence files these photos of a dual-purpose street reclamation in Queens.
In Woodside at the intersection of 39th Ave and Woodside Avenue they have put in a massive traffic calming/bioswale-ish extension of the sidewalk! It looks like a standard Portland-style bioswale for water runoff.
We have queries in with the city for more information, but as Clarence says, it looks like this is another in a series of joint ventures between multiple agencies — DOT, DEP and Parks — designed to absorb runoff while taming traffic. The initiative is a product of PlaNYC.
Though this one looks mostly complete, says Clarence, “It looks like they haven’t removed the sharrow just yet, which will put you right into a curb.”

More shots after the jump.
Barring any major breaking news, this will be our last post until Thursday. Happy Independence Day, everyone.