Eyes on the Street, Midtown Redux: Crosstown Bike Lane Meets 6 1/2 Avenue

More streetscape news from Midtown: In addition to the Eighth Avenue bike lane expansion and the installation of 6 1/2 Avenue, DOT is already at work on new crosstown lanes. Steve O., a.k.a. @eveostay, snapped this shot today at the brand new intersection of the E. 51st Street lane and 6 1/2 Ave.
The lane on 51st is one of eight that will run from 39th to 55th Streets, a project that received a positive vote from Community Board 6 in mid-June. Three pairs of lanes will run from First to Eighth Avenue, while a fourth set will be installed between Eighth Avenue and Grand Central Terminal. The lanes, planned ahead of this summer’s bike-share launch, will be interspersed with sharrows.