Why Jono Rides
Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s “Why I Ride” series.

Jono has worked as an assistant director for several television shows, including “Law and Order” and currently the CBS show “Blue Bloods.” A native New Yorker, he’s biked here off and on most of his life, but has been a regular commuter for the last 5 years. He tries to bike as much as possible from his home in Park Slope to studio and location shoots. He likes that it lets him get some exercise while leaving the car at home.
Reflecting on how his commute has evolved over the last few years, he acknowledges that the growth of cycling has made for a safer environment: “Five years ago, it was a lot more about dodging cars.” Though he feels safer on his bike today, he still leaves nothing to chance, as attested by his helmet and the recently acquired reflective vest. “I’ve got two kids at home now,” he explains. His kids ride too, but not on the street. “Only on the sidewalk. Though I’d let them ride here,” he says, gesturing at the protected bike lane on Kent Ave.
His rear rack and baskets allow him to pack everything he needs for the workday. “I’ve got my books, my computer, a change of clothes – that’s probably the most important thing, especially in the summer.” On this day he was riding from Park Slope to Broadway Stages in Greenpoint, where “Blue Bloods” is filming. For this trip, leaving the car at home is an easy choice. “I get there just as fast, and I don’t have to pay for parking.”