Thursday Job Market
Looking to hire a smart, qualified person for a position in transportation planning, engineering, IT, or advocacy? Post a listing on the Streetsblog Jobs Board and reach our national audience of dedicated readers. We’re giving employers free listings, normally a $50 value, through the end of the summer.
Looking for a job? Here are this week’s listings:
Integration Engineer, Real-Time Bus Customer Information Systems, New York MTA
The MTA is developing a low cost, standards-based Bus Customer Information System (Bus CIS) which will track the real-time location of its fleet of 6,000 buses and make this information available to over 2.5 million daily bus riders. The Integration Engineer will play a critical role in MTA’s activities as the overall systems integrator for the Bus CIS project.
Planning Intern, Vision Long Island, Northport, NY
Vision Long Island is looking for interns for Fall 2011. Our staff likes to say we “wear many hats,” and interns will have to do the same. Interns will assist with planning, design, outreach, event planning, writing, research, attending meetings, reporting, photography, video and more. Bring your unique skill set to the table!
Intern, Friends of the East River Greenway
Friends of the East River Greenway is a newly formed coalition of non-profit organizations — looking for energetic, environmentally conscious people who want to help ensure the missing portion of the East River Greenway between 38th to 60th Streets is completed. Building the Greenway will finally give the East Side the waterfront access it deserves — with a promenade for biking, walking and being outdoors.
Video/Media Intern, NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign, New York, NY
The Straphangers Campaign is New York City’s leading mass transportation advocacy group. The Media/Video intern will translate riders’ stories into compelling, 2-4 minute videos for use online and in presentations. Videos will cover a variety of topics including winning better bus service, financing the MTA’s capital rebuilding program and the affects of future fare increases on riders and their families.