This Week: Help Plan a Continuous East River Greenway

The first week of August is a light one on the Streetsblog calendar. The big event is not listed, in fact. On Wednesday, Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Bert Bunyan will hear the latest arguments in the Prospect Park West case. The motions to be considered include whether to allow the first round of subpoenas from NBBL attorney Jim Walden to stand. (Walden and fellow Gibson Dunn attorney Georgia Winston withdrew their second round of subpoenas at the judge’s request last week.) Stay tuned to see what sort of off-the-wall accusations Walden and Winston land in the local press this time around.

Meanwhile, for New Yorkers interested in working toward a more livable city, we have the following:

  • Thursday: There’s a deal in the works to complete the Midtown gap in the East River greenway. It’s complicated and involves a lot of moving parts that have to be agreed upon by October 10. You can help move it all forward at this public workshop, sponsored by state and city representatives, to brainstorm ideas for how the new greenway segment should be designed. 4:00 p.m.