Eyes on the Street: Chowing Down in Midtown’s Public Spaces

Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/valeriob/5806069403/##Valerio_B/Flickr##

Yesterday the 18th Annual Taste of Times Square filled up the crossroads of the world, serving dishes to throngs of people. DNAinfo reports that the event broke with tradition a little bit, and the vendors were better off for it:

This year the festival concentrated all its booths on Broadway, instead of to placing them on West 46th Street between Broadway and Ninth Avenue as they had last year. Participants said the move helped them reach more people.

“With all the tents on Broadway it’s gotten better visibility, it’s more popular. And the weather always helps,” said Gus Montesantos, director of food and beverages for Doubletree Hotel, home of Ginger’s restaurant.

Eat your heart out, Steve Cuozzo.

Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/valeriob/5806637788/##Valerio_B/Flickr##
Madison Square Eats, a month-long food event at Worth Square, on the western edge of the park, wrapped up last Friday. Photo: Lindsey Ganson


Caption Contest: Time to Expand Car-Free Broadway [Updated]

Just another day at 53rd and Seventh. Photo: Gawker. Hey, here’s some of that pulse-pounding New York City energy that a few people wish we still had in the middle of Times Square. Instead of propelling a vehicle through midtown streets, the energy embedded in this taxi’s tankful of gasoline has been converted into giant […]