Caption Contest: Time to Expand Car-Free Broadway [Updated]
By Ben Fried |
Just another day at 53rd and Seventh. Photo: Gawker. Hey, here’s some of that pulse-pounding New York City energy that a few people wish we still had in the middle of Times Square. Instead of propelling a vehicle through midtown streets, the energy embedded in this taxi’s tankful of gasoline has been converted into giant […]
Caption Contest: Putting the “Flare” in Madison Square
By Ben Fried |
Via Gothamist, this van went up in flames at Madison Square at around 11 a.m. No one was hurt, apparently, though it looks like a lot of people will have to go search for an inferior lunch spot on a beautiful day. Captions?
Caption Contest: Broadway Boulevard NYPD Tower
By Brad Aaron |
This tipster photo was snapped last Tuesday, September 2, on Broadway south of 42 Street. Who has a good caption?
Caption Contest: Customize This Bike Ad
By Ben Fried |
Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick sends along this screen grab of a Linus Bikes ad recently served up to him on the New York Post’s website. It’s a testament to someone’s ad placement algorithms that this puppy can find its intended audience even on the site of a bike-hating rag like the Post. Here’s a thought […]
Caption Contest: Not Commenting About the [Expletive] Bike Lane
By Ben Fried |
This was the scene in Jackson Heights yesterday, where Mayor Bloomberg, Anthony Weiner, and the top dog on Prospect Park West, Senator Chuck Schumer, joined a bevy of other pols to contest the surprisingly low Census counts in Brooklyn and Queens. (That’s Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez between Bloomberg and Schumer.) During the presser, the Senator was […]