Why Wilson Rides

Here’s the fourth portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series.

Photo copyright Dmitry Gudkov

Don’t let the business casual wear fool you – Wilson rides fast, even when commuting home from the office. It took me a minute or two to catch up to him on the East River Esplanade but once I did, he was more than happy to stop for a portrait.

Wilson works with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative. He cycles to and from work nearly year-round, stopping only for snow in the dead of winter. His regular ride is between his home in the East Village and his office in the Financial District; a good route, he says, because it’s fast and keeps him out of car traffic for most of the journey.

I ask him why he prefers the bike and he readily lists his reasons — health, speed, convenience, environment… Since he started riding in New York about two years ago, he hasn’t had so much as a cold, a fact he attributes to regular exercise.

When I finish shooting, I let him be on his way and thank him for giving me a few minutes of his time. “Oh, no problem.” He pauses for a moment and then adds, “I love my bike.”


Why Henriette Rides

Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s “Why I Ride” series. Henriette lives in lower Manhattan, works in film set design and uses her bike for just about everything – commuting, errands, and child transport. She owns a car too, but only really uses it for getting out of the city. I caught up with her […]

Why Lloyd Rides

This is the ninth portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. Lloyd is a social worker living and working in the East Village. He’s on vacation this week, and was taking advantage of the warm weather to ride from lower Manhattan up to the George Washington Bridge. I caught up with him on the […]

Caption Contest: Chuck Schumer Rides the Prospect Park West Bike Lane

Looks like protected bike infrastructure is growing on Chuck Schumer. High-powered backchannel NIMBY assault notwithstanding, New York’s senior senator apparently does enjoy riding the bike lane in his front yard, as you can see in this Sunday morning photo courtesy of fellow PPW resident Paul Steely White. So, when will the rest of Streetsblog’s 2011 April Fools […]

Why Jessica Rides

Here’s the 13th portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. Jessica is the fitness editor for Prevention magazine. She’s lived in New York for ten years, but has only been commuting from Brooklyn to Manhattan for the last couple of months. Not that she hasn’t been riding. She’s ticked up countless laps in Prospect […]

Why Iga Rides

Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. Iga is a 15-year resident of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and she’s been biking around New York for about that long. She says she’s not a bike commuter but likes to go on long rides for pleasure. “Sometimes I ride to Coney Island, or to the […]

Why Ray Rides

Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. If you’ve biked on the Queensboro Bridge in the last couple of years, you have seen the massive reconstruction project underway at Queens Plaza. A few months ago, we saw a brand new bike path leading west from the bridge entrance, and the last […]