Utility Cycling Tips From Bike Zealot Martha Stewart

Stewart talks up cycling as transportation with Emilia Crotty of Bike New York

In addition to nerve-wracking weather, one sure sign of spring is the re-emergence of the bicycle as pop culture totem. If you’re on many catalogue mailing lists, you’ve probably seen them — gleaming utility bikes and cruisers at the ready as toned and tanned models relax at the outdoor cafe or by the pool. And they’re not just props — furniture and housewares retailer CB2 has its own city bike, developed with a Florida-based manufacturer ($499; details at Treehugger).

Coupled with poll data and legislative action showing general support for human-oriented public space and transportation initiatives, it’s enough to suggest that the bike-hating American public is mostly a myth, conjured and nursed by out of touch politicians and conflict-craving, auto-driven media.

Enter Martha Stewart. In advance of Bike Month, Stewart invited Emilia Crotty of Bike New York into the studio for a thorough lesson on cycle maintenance, followed by a bike and schwag giveaway (congratulations Georgiana Powell of Moscow, PA). Turns out Stewart is a cyclist herself, as are, at least for this segment, many members of her studio audience.

If this isn’t a marker of cycling for transportation becoming a more mainstream American activity, it’s hard to imagine what would be.


Girls Try Bikes, Discover New Freedom

The question of how to get more women on bikes has received quite a lot of attention recently, in part because of a recent article in Scientific American that suggested women are an "indicator species" for bike-friendly communities. A group of people in Darlington, United Kingdom, decided to approach the problem of getting women on […]

Caption Contest: Chuck Schumer Rides the Prospect Park West Bike Lane

Looks like protected bike infrastructure is growing on Chuck Schumer. High-powered backchannel NIMBY assault notwithstanding, New York’s senior senator apparently does enjoy riding the bike lane in his front yard, as you can see in this Sunday morning photo courtesy of fellow PPW resident Paul Steely White. So, when will the rest of Streetsblog’s 2011 April Fools […]

Caption Contest: Customize This NYPost.com Bike Ad

Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick sends along this screen grab of a Linus Bikes ad recently served up to him on the New York Post’s website. It’s a testament to someone’s ad placement algorithms that this puppy can find its intended audience even on the site of a bike-hating rag like the Post. Here’s a thought […]

Mercedes Exploits the Daredevil Cyclist Stereotype

You might have seen it making the rounds over the last couple of days — the new Mercedes ad in which a bike messenger challenges a driver in one of the company’s luxury vehicles to a race from Harlem to the Fulton Ferry landing in Brooklyn. There are many irritating things about the ad, including […]