Sunday: Moms, Dads and Kids Ride the Prospect Park West Bike Lane

If you read the Streetsblog headlines every morning, you already know there’s a family ride happening this Sunday on the Prospect Park West bike lane. Here are the details straight from the organizers if you’d like to participate:

Kids and parents: Show your support for the new Prospect Park West bike path by riding it as a family this Sunday, April 10!

Families and friends of the new Prospect Park West will be gathering at Grand Army Plaza at 10:30 a.m and getting some cool free t-shirts. Starting at 11 a.m. we’ll be riding (and walking) the entire length of the bike path to the Bartel-Pritchard entrance of Prospect Park at 15th Street.

At the end of the ride there will be cupcakes from Blue Sky Bakery and more from our bike shop sponsors Bicycle Habitat and Ride Brooklyn.

Volunteers from Transportation Alternatives will be stationed along the route to keep the ride safe and hopefully free of skinned knees.

It should be a lovely day, a great ride or walk for everyone and an important opportunity to celebrate safe, family-friendly streets for Brooklyn.

RSVP at the “We Ride the Lanes” Facebook page (which has been acting a little balky, so try again in ten minutes if you run into problems).


Who Supports the Prospect Park West Bike Lane?

As a referendum on the Prospect Park West redesign, last night’s Community Board 6 hearing was another clear signal that the two-way, protected bike path enjoys broad support within the community. On the community board’s sign-in sheet, 86 people put their names down to testify in favor of the project while 11 signed up to […]

Caption Contest: Chuck Schumer Rides the Prospect Park West Bike Lane

Looks like protected bike infrastructure is growing on Chuck Schumer. High-powered backchannel NIMBY assault notwithstanding, New York’s senior senator apparently does enjoy riding the bike lane in his front yard, as you can see in this Sunday morning photo courtesy of fellow PPW resident Paul Steely White. So, when will the rest of Streetsblog’s 2011 April Fools […]