This Is What Gibson Dunn Lawyer Jim Walden Wants to Sue Out of Existence

Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.

This weekend brought some gorgeous early spring weather to NYC, and the Prospect Park West bike lane was full of people riding bicycles — many of whom probably needed parental permission to go ride on the street.

There are dozens of pictures posted on Flickr from yesterday afternoon, and we’ve got a few highlights here from photographer Dmitry Gudkov and BrooklynSpoke author Doug Gordon. (If you haven’t seen Dmitry’s #bikenyc portraits yet, you owe it to yourself to check them out. They’re outstanding and I’m pleased to say that you’ll be seeing more of his work on Streetsblog in the future.)

You can kiss family cycling on PPW goodbye if the “compromise” put forward by bike lane opponents — getting rid of the protected bikeway and replacing it with regular painted lanes on PPW and Eighth Avenue — ever sees the light of day. Without the physical protection, Prospect Park West would revert back to becoming a high-speed obstacle course of double-parked cars.

This is what Gibson Dunn attorney Jim Walden is using his pro bono hours to eradicate:

Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.
One less double-parked car: Biking home from soccer practice. Photo: ##

Multi-modal transportation in effect. Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.
Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.
Waiting to cross at Ninth Street. Photo: ##
Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.
Copyright Dmitry Gudkov, used with permission.