Daily News to Cyclists: You Don’t Count

In today’s Daily News, cartoonist Bill Bramhall continues the paper’s recent assault on Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan and the city’s efforts to make biking safer. He manages to simultaneously imply that New Yorkers who bike are a freakish spectacle and that they don’t exist.

According to the most recent Department of Health survey, more than half a million New Yorkers bike several times per month. If you’re one of them, the email address you want to reply to is voicers@edit.nydailynews.com.


Times Poll: New Yorkers Really Love Bike Lanes, Bike-Share, and Plazas

This morning, the New York Times released a comprehensive poll on what New Yorkers think of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and programs from his administration. Bike-share, bike lanes, and plazas got high approval numbers across boroughs, ages, races, and income levels. Many of the mayoral candidates might be hesitant to acknowledge it, but New Yorkers love their livable […]

Confirmed: New Yorkers Reap Health Benefits From Walking and Biking

Graphic: NYC Department of Health The NYC Department of Health announced the results of a citywide survey today [PDF] assessing the health benefits of regular walking and biking. Based on telephone interviews with more than 10,000 New Yorkers, the health department reveals that people who incorporate walking and biking into their daily routine are significantly […]

Sadik-Khan, Wolfson Invite New Yorkers to Sign Up for Bike-Share

In 2009, the Department of City Planning released an ambitious blueprint for bike-share in New York, and in 2011, the Department of Transportation began an extensive public process to site actual bike-share stations. Now the planning is giving way to implementation, with North America’s largest year-round bike-share system set to launch in May. Today, Transportation Commissioner Janette […]

How Many New Yorkers Bike Each Day?

The explosive growth in cycling across NYCDOT’s screenline tracks closely with rising bike commute rates among Brooklyn residents, but not with the slower citywide growth trend. There were two developments today spotlighting the evolution of cycling in New York City. Transportation Alternatives came out with their updated figure for the number of people who bike […]