Tonight: Voices of Reason Needed to Counter PPW Bike Lane Hysteria


Its fresh green paint is already bringing relief to car-free commuters, but that hasn’t stopped anonymous opponents of a safer Prospect Park West from continuing to spread anti-cyclist tripe of the kind pictured above.

Though no names or contact information have to our knowledge accompanied any of these fliers, local media can’t resist piling on, generally trumpeting random comments as prevailing opinion and ignoring the fact that the PPW bike lane was vetted by the local community board and installed at the request of residents who prefer bike and foot traffic to another lane for speeding drivers. If any Streetsblog readers are able to attend tonight’s misinformation session, please let us know how it went.

Lots of other relevant things happening over the next few days. This week’s calendar post is coming up.


Anonymous Bike Lane Opponent Scores Media Coup on NY1

Will we ever see the headline "Bike Lane Opponent Resorts to Misinformation and Lies"? Image: NY1 This report on the proposed Prospect Park West bike lane from NY1’s Jeanine Ramirez doesn’t quite stoop to Marcia Kramer levels of fabrication, but that might make it even more insidious. Slap together a few shots of ill-informed people […]

A Refresher on How PPW Bike Lane Opponents Cherrypick Their Numbers

While parents and kids were out celebrating three years of safe, all-ages cycling at the Prospect Park West Family Bike Ride last week, the remnants of NBBL were apparently scouring their Rolodex for media contacts who still take them seriously. A short item from Post columnist David Seifman notes that unidentified “critics” of the PPW […]

PPW Bike Lane Lawsuit Will Be Decided on the Merits — Bring It On

Judge says Prospect Park West bike lane case to proceed. I think the case’s merits speak for themselves. — Janette Sadik-Khan (@JSadikKhan) March 15, 2016 Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Bert Bunyan ruled yesterday that Prospect Park West bike lane opponents did indeed file suit before the six-month statute of limitations had run out. The […]