This Week: Livable Streets Proposals Take Manhattan

It’s all about Manhattan community boards this week, with discussions and advisory votes on crucial transit, pedestrian and cyclist improvements.

  • Tonight: The transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 6 will discuss the 34th Street Transitway, and may offer a resolution. 7 p.m. 
  • Tuesday: The Manhattan CB 2 transpo committee will hear a report from NYCDOT on
    bicycle education and markings, and will discuss calming traffic on
    Cornelia Street. 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: In late 2008, a years-long effort by residents of the Lower East Side and Chinatown for safer conditions on Allen and Pike Streets finally began to pay off. On Wednesday night, the Manhattan CB 3 transportation committee will see a presentation on further improvements for pedestrians and cyclists. 6:30 p.m.
  • Also Wednesday: Manhattan CB 6 (the full board) will take up a plan to close the East River Greenway gap, expand parkland on the East Side, and allow the U.N. to
    expand by building on the Robert Moses Playground. Despite the relief it would bring from horrid street conditions around the U.N., this project faces an uphill battle for community board approval. All who are interested in establishing this crucial 33-block greenway link should make their voices heard. The meeting starts at 7 p.m.; details are here.
  • Also Wednesday: Manhattan CB 11 hosts a public meeting to discuss the redesign of First and Second Avenue, and Select Bus Service in particular. CB 11 hasn’t yet discussed the proposal to speed transit and keep pedestrians and cyclists safe.
  • Thursday: The Museum of Arts and Design hosts a panel discussion on the impact of bicycles on the urban landscape. 7 p.m.
  • Saturday: Inspired by the success of
    Manhattan’s Summer Streets, Brooklyn’s Vanderbilt Avenue merchants are
    holding their own this summer. The first one is this week. 10:30 a.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: Safer Streets for NYers of All Ages

Transportation Alternatives is holding a number of events this week, including three meetings for volunteers who want to create safe outdoor spaces for kids. Also, Manhattan CB 4 takes up traffic dangers in Chelsea. Today: Transportation Alternatives will host the first of three informational sessions on Play Streets — temporary street closures that give children […]

This Week: See the DOT Plan for a Safer Delancey

Following the death of Dashane Santana, the transportation committee of Community Board 3 will hold a special meeting this Wednesday to address conditions on Delancey Street, where drivers are aggressive and crossing times are short. Responding to media coverage and pressure from residents and electeds, DOT is scheduled to present its plan to make Delancey […]

This Week: Mayoral Transit Forum, Brooklyn Greenway

This week, community boards in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island hear proposals from DOT on key bike connections, a new Slow Zone, and parking meter reforms. To cap off the week, mayoral candidates are invited to talk transit on Friday. Here are the details: Tuesday: The MTA will present to Brooklyn Community Board 2’s transportation committee […]

Speak Up for a Safer, More Accessible East Side Tonight

Tonight’s CB 6 transportation committee meeting is an especially important one, with East Side bike-share, cross-town bike lanes and 34th Street Select Bus Service all on the agenda. It’s an opportunity to show support for a variety of livable streets initiatives at once. As always, the more voices supporting safer streets and effective transit, the […]

This Week: Safer Biking at Qboro Bridge, Faster 125th St. Buses

There are a lot of community board meetings on the Streetsblog calendar this week where you can lend your support to livable streets projects, including an important one tonight about safety improvements near the Manhattan Side of the Queensboro Bridge. Later this week, there’s also a Democratic mayoral candidate forum in Brooklyn where you can […]