Silver, Assembly Dems Reject Better NYC Bus Service

Sheldon Silver’s office just announced the outlines of the Assembly’s budget resolution. On a day when transit riders saw subway and bus cuts start to loom a whole lot closer, the speaker and his conference have piled on. Here’s the final line item under "Metropolitan Transportation Authority" in the summary of the Assembly’s budget [PDF]:

  • The Assembly rejects the Executive proposal to authorize: Bus Lane Photo Devices
silver_farrell.jpgAssembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Ways and Means Committee Chair Herman "Denny" Farrell have rejected enforcement cameras that would make bus service faster and more reliable for New Yorkers.

Unmentioned in this terse description is the fact that these "photo devices" can deliver better service for millions of bus riders. Bus cams were included in Governor Paterson’s executive budget proposal, and the State Senate has proposed a weaker but still substantial bus camera program. The Assembly has apparently decided to strip them out of the budget entirely.

The news from the Assembly does not represent the last word on bus cams, and there will be opportunities to restore bus lane enforcement in the final budget. But for now this budget proposal has sent a clear message: Bus riders and better transit service do not matter to the Assembly leadership. We’ll have more on this story tomorrow.


Shameless Shelly Silver Claims Credit for Saving Student Fares

In an unbelievable display of chutzpah — okay, not really — Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Ways and Means Committee Chair Herman "Denny" Farrell issued a self-congratulatory press release last Friday taking credit for "saving" student MetroCards. Here’s an excerpt: "My Assembly colleagues and I fought hard to preserve student MetroCards, because we believe that […]

Why Is David Gantt Still Running the Assembly Transpo Committee?

The Times published a great reminder today about last month’s bus camera vote in the Assembly Transportation Committee, which weakened the city’s plans for Bus Rapid Transit. The editorial page wonders why David Gantt, who for years has obstructed life-saving, transit-enhancing traffic enforcement measures, is still in charge of the committee: Mr. Gantt is a […]

Silver Calls Hearing on Pricing and MTA Capital Plan

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will hold a hearing Thursday on how congestion pricing revenues would figure into the MTA’s five-year capital plan. He will be joined by anti-pricing Assembly Members Richard Brodsky and Denny Farrell. The Sun reports: The MTA’s executive director, Elliot Sander, who will testify at the hearing, has said Mr. Bloomberg’s plan […]

Double-Take Time: Bus Cam Bill Clears Assembly Transpo Committee

You read that right. Don’t celebrate just yet, but legislation authorizing the use of camera enforcement to keep New York City bus lanes clear of traffic — a.k.a. the bus cam bill — just cleared the Assembly Transportation Committee. Sheldon Silver and David Gantt. While it might seem sort of pathetic to tout a committee […]