With a Chuckle, Daily News Calls for Life-Saving Traffic Tech

We appreciate that the Daily News on Tuesday editorialized in favor of traffic-calming, life-saving traffic cameras. But we don’t understand the paper’s attempt at levity in its recounting of the city’s latest fatality data. Here’s a sample:

Bicyclists showed the biggest improvement in staying alive. They were killed in traffic 80% less last year than the year before.

Would the News crack jokes about murder rates? How about fire deaths? Rapes? Of course not.

Beyond the poor taste on display here, there is no meaningful analysis to back up the call for automated enforcement. For example, there’s the obligatory anecdotal swipe about cyclists disobeying traffic laws,
but nothing about the thousands of motorist infractions that go
unpunished every day throughout the city.

There is no mention that red light cameras are already saving lives and reducing injuries right here in New York, that speed cameras in other areas are hugely effective, or that the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has studied automated enforcement and found that it works. And if News editors really wanted to dig in, they could harangue NYPD for withholding vital information on why deadly crashes happen.

Wondering why local media aren’t demanding answers from Ray Kelly about the death of Karen Schmeer? Consider this half-hearted drivel Exhibit A.


Advocates: Ethical Standards Demand Zero Tolerance for Traffic Deaths

Traffic deaths need to be treated as an ethical imperative to save lives, said representatives from Transportation Alternatives, the Drum Major Institute, and the medical community today at the public release of the new report, “Vision Zero” [PDF]. “It is simply unacceptable for people to die in traffic,” said T.A. Executive Director Paul Steely White, […]

An Open Letter to Daily News Deputy Editor Arthur Browne

We noticed you’ve taken an interest in traffic injuries lately. This is a welcome development. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers are hurt in traffic every year, many of them seriously. Well over 200 are killed annually. Most of these crashes get little to no attention from police, much less the media. So it’s encouraging […]

DOT Pledged Ped Safety Fixes by 2006 on Deadly Third Ave

New York City’s Department of Transportation failed to follow through on a 2004 pledge to build potentially life-saving pedestrian safety improvements along the Third Avenue corridor where a 4-year-old boy was run over and killed last Tuesday. DOT’s announcement of $4 million in funding for the installation of "median extensions, neckdowns and other traffic-calming" measures […]
Photo: NYC Mayor's Office

Yesterday’s Times Square Toll Was Terrible — But So Is a Typical Day of NYC Traffic Violence

Given the high-profile location, the number of victims, and recent instances of people using vehicles to kill for ideology, it's understandable that yesterday's crash drew so much attention. But it's important to recognize that as terrible as the Times Square carnage was for a single incident, the same human toll occurs on a daily basis on NYC streets -- it's just dispersed across the city.