Victims, Electeds: Time for Action Against Driving While Unlicensed


Spurred by the recent hit-and-run deaths of three pedestrians, Transportation Alternatives led a protest on Sunday calling for new measures to keep unlicensed drivers from getting behind the wheel. On the steps of City Hall, advocates were joined by David Sheppard, fiance of Sonya Powell, and City Council Member Larry Seabrook.

According to the DMV, 10 percent of all crashes in New York are caused by unlicensed drivers; TA says 75 percent of motorists with suspended licenses continue to drive. To curb the carnage, and hold illegal drivers accountable, TA has proposed the following:

  • Getting unlicensed drivers off New York State roadways by impounding the vehicle of anyone caught driving with a suspended license.
  • The passage of Assembly Bill 5124, introduced by Assembly Member Joe Lentol, which would subject any driver who has committed two or more dangerous moving violations within the 18 months before a fatal or injurious crash to a felony charge.

Yesterday’s event got a thorough treatment on NY1. It would be a huge momentum-builder if Mayor Bloomberg or Public Advocate-elect Bill de Blasio were to add their voices to the chorus against DWU before the death toll rises again.


Sunday: Rally at City Hall for Traffic Justice

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, three people were killed in New York City by drivers with suspended licenses. These deaths are entirely preventable. If not for a legal system that cavalierly lets reckless drivers get back behind the wheel, Sonya Powell and Lillian and Peter Sabados might still be alive. Steps like impounding the vehicles of […]

These Four Bills Do Deserve a Vote in the Assembly

The TWU’s attempt to weaken traffic safety laws cleared the State Senate but seems to be encountering more resistance in the Assembly. (You can contact your Assembly rep here to urge a “No” vote.) Meanwhile, there are there are several good bills that the Senate passed which have yet to come up for a vote in […]