Sunday: Rally at City Hall for Traffic Justice

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, three people were killed in New York City by drivers with suspended licenses. These deaths are entirely preventable. If not for a legal system that cavalierly lets reckless drivers get back behind the wheel, Sonya Powell and Lillian and Peter Sabados might still be alive.

Steps like impounding the vehicles of those caught driving without a valid license could make a big difference. Unlicensed drivers are nearly four times as likely to be involved in
traffic crashes as those with valid licenses, according to Transportation Alternatives, but 75 percent of drivers with
suspended licenses continue to drive.

This Sunday, advocates will gather on the steps of City Hall to rally support for reforms that could save lives by deterring the act of reckless driving. The bigger the crowd, the louder the message. To participate, head over to City Hall before 12. The rally starts at noon on Sunday.