PSAs Rock! Watch the Winners of TA’s “Biking Rules” Video Contest

As you may know, Transportation Alternatives put on a red carpet premiere Tuesday night for the "Biking Rules"
PSA competition at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The contest pitted
video entries against each other in two main categories: "Why Biking
Rules" and "Street Code."  

box_office.jpgVideos in the "Street Code" category encourage
people to use lights, bells, stop at red lights, ride with traffic and
generally ride safely and courteously. "Why Biking Rules" is pretty self-explanatory.

Out of some 80 total
submissions, about 40 PSAs (and a slideshow of photos) played to a sold
out theater. The shorts were truly impressive and scored a well-earned victory over George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, and Mariah Carey at the box office.

Above is one of the winning high-def entries in the Biking Rules category: "Lights Turn Heads," by Aldo Arias and Pam Tietze. You can see the rest of the winners here.


Streetfilms: Make Your Own Bike Etiquette PSA

Biking Rules, the new campaign organized by Transportation Alternatives, is sponsoring a video and photo PSA competition. Submissions are now being accepted for two categories in the competition: "Why Biking Rules!" and "The Biking Rules Street Code." The Biking Rules campaign outlines several ways to lead by example when riding your bicycle. So, with a […]

TA’s “Biking Rules” Campaign Takes the High Route

Transportation Alternatives yesterday launched an ambitious new campaign to change how cyclists are perceived — and how they perceive themselves — in New York City.  At its core, "Biking Rules" is, as TA puts it, "aimed at promoting civic riding and easing bike-pedestrian friction." But the campaign, embodied in a new cyclist handbook and tricked-out […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events [Updated]

It’s a light week on the Streetsblog calendar as we head in to the Labor Day weekend. All eyes will be on Tuesday’s main event. Today: 5:00 p.m. is the submission deadline for Transportation Alternatives’ "Biking Rules" PSA contest. Update and correction: The deadline for the Biking Rules PSA contest has been extended to September […]

Fill Out the BikeNYC 2020 Survey and Help Shape the Future of Cycling in NYC

Transportation Alternatives is setting out create a vision for the future of biking in NYC, and it wants your help. Over the next six months, TA will be collecting ideas from thousands of New Yorkers, starting with an online survey launched last week. The BikeNYC 2020 campaign aims to understand the bike infrastructure priorities of the 778,000 New Yorkers who say they bike regularly — as […]