Walk21 NYC: Visionaries of Walkability Take Manhattan

With all the remarkable recent livable streets improvements in New York, it’s no surprise the tenth annual Walk21
Conference chose our city for its host digs. Visitors and attendees salivated over new pedestrian infrastructure and public spaces, including tours of the recently opened High Line and a special visit to the soon-to-be-restored High Bridge.
Featuring a plethora of speakers, design charrettes and walking
workshops, the three-day event drew experts from the UK, Austria,
Japan, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Italy, and Australia, among other places.

We were able to speak with the organizers as well as conference
registrants, and also got a chance to chat with headliners such as Jan Gehl, Janette Sadik-Khan, Kristina Alvendal (Vice Mayor of Stockholm), and Gil Peñalosa
(Walk and Bike for Life, Ontario) about the future of walking and the
vital importance of this conference in inspiring world leaders.