Speak Up for an Accessible Car-Free High Bridge

highbridgehole.JPGIn other parks news, as reported on Streetsblog in June, the car-free High Bridge is poised to undergo a long-awaited restoration. Built as part of the Croton Aqueduct, the bridge connects Washington Heights in Manhattan with the Bronx neighborhood of High Bridge, near Yankee Stadium. In April, during his PlaNYC unveiling, Mayor Bloomberg announced that the city would be allocating $60 million to restore and reopen the High Bridge, which has been closed to the public since 1970; another $5 million will come from a Congressional earmark.

The Department of Parks & Recreation has posted an online High Bridge survey (here it is in Spanish), and will be collecting responses until September 7. Two items at issue are bike access and park hours. The original plan called for the restored bridge to be open only on weekends, and only during the day, severely limiting its viability as a transportation link. Parks representatives have said the city will make use of existing park trails and bike routes for cycling access, but specifics remain unclear. 

The Parks Dept. has been very sensitive to public input to this point. It’s important that the city hear from pedestrians and cyclists who want a useful, accessible car-free route between Manhattan and the Bronx. 

Photo: Daniel Avila/NYC Parks


City: Commuter Needs Will Factor into High Bridge Plan

A restored High Bridge will be open to commuting cyclists and pedestrians, but access time could be limited, officials said last week. The occasion was a "listening session" hosted by the Department of Parks & Recreation, when dozens of uptowners filed into the High Bridge Park Recreation Center at 173rd Street and Amsterdam to share […]

Tell the Parks Dept. About Your Vision for the High Bridge

Under PlaNYC, the High Bridge, an 1848 pedestrian- and cyclist-only bridge connecting the Bronx with Washingon Heights, is opening after some four decades of closure. The Parks Department wants to learn about your priorities for the bridge. Cyclists and pedestrians (especially those who live in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx) should come out and help shape the design to ensure […]

Bloomberg Says Car-Free High Bridge Will Be Open by Next Year

After talking up bike-share on the airwaves this morning, Mayor Bloomberg headed uptown, where he and other electeds broke ground for the restoration of the High Bridge. The High Bridge is the city’s oldest standing bridge, and connects the Highbridge neighborhood in the Bronx with Washington Heights. Built as part of the Croton Aqueduct in 1848, […]