Eyes on the Street: Columbia on the Lookout for Bike Thieves

Streetsblog regular Glenn McAnanama sent in a flier from Columbia University police [PDF] alerting faculty, staff and students to a recent bike theft.
Video stills like the one at right appear to show a man — pictured more clearly on the flier — walking away with a bike after removing the front wheel. (Hal would probably give that lock job an "F.")
This is not a huge deal, but as Glenn points out, it’s nice to see campus security treating bike theft as an actual crime worthy of its attention. "This is the second one of these [fliers] I’ve seen in as many weeks," he writes. "Imagine if NYPD were this concerned."
Of course, prevalence of bike theft also raises the issue of secure parking, or lack thereof, on campus. Any Columbia-affiliated folks care to weigh in?