CBS2 Reporter Warns Against Distracted Driving While Driving Distracted

The U.S. DOT’s distracted driving summit, now in its second day, is getting some major nationwide media play. As well it should. New York’s own CBS2 reports that distracted driving claimed the lives of 6,000 people last year.
But in an otherwise fine story, reporter Don Dahler unwittingly demonstrates how easy it is to fall prey to the mindset of drivers who believe everyone else is the problem.
Watch as Dahler films part of his report while driving. By our count, he looks toward the camera seven times as he explains that motorists are six times more likely to be involved in a crash while using a cell phone — i.e. driving distracted.
Sorry to pick on Dahler, but didn’t it occur to anyone at CBS2 that this might not be the best treatment for this particular story?