Find Out Where They Stand: 73 Candidates Reply to TA Transpo Survey

If you’re wondering where the Post picked up the news that Mayor Bloomberg is on the record supporting bike-share for New York, head over to the Transportation Alternatives Candidate Survey. You’ll find much more about where the people running for Mayor, Manhattan DA, City Council, Comptroller, Public Advocate, and the borough presidencies stand on transportation issues.

All told, TA has collected responses from 73 candidates. With Bus Rapid Transit routes taking shape, congestion plaguing city streets as much as ever, Robert Morgenthau stepping down after decades as Manhattan’s top prosecutor, and advances in ped-bike safety provoking a vocal backlash from certain quarters, there’s a lot at stake in this election. Thanks to the candidate survey, New Yorkers will be able to remind electeds of their promises on livable streets issues for the next four years. And the companion web site gives voters a handy reference as primary day approaches (September 15, don’t forget).

One of the really useful functions of the survey site is that you can compare competitors’ responses to the same question. Say you want to know how the mayoral candidates pledged to reduce traffic — here are their answers. Bill Thompson, the likely Democratic nominee, supports time-based tolls on the MTA crossings but, true to form as a Ravitch Plan foe, says nothing about putting a price on free bridges. Bloomberg, meanwhile, gives no indication that he’ll renew the push for pricing if he wins a third term.

For some unambiguous statements in support of pricing, check out the Public Advocate candidate responses to a similar question — especially former Public Advocate Mark Green and, rather surprisingly, current Council Member Eric Gioia.

So, now we have many candidates on the record regarding pedestrian safety, bike infrastructure, transit investment, and traffic enforcement, all in one place — it’s a lot of information to digest. Streetsblog will be sifting through it in the weeks before primary day, highlighting the citywide races, the Manhattan DA contest, and the key showdowns for City Council seats.