Your Livable Streets Weekend: From Sands Street to Summer Streets

Unless my Mac dashboard weather widget is deceiving me (and it’s been known to), tomorrow should be a gorgeous day for the debut of Summer Streets 2009. Here’s a look back at last year’s fun, care of Streetfilms, to whet your appetite.

Earlier today, Lily Bernheimer posted a nice rundown of related goings-on tomorrow in the Livable Streets Community. And if you can make it, start the weekend off right this evening with a ride on the city’s newest cycling amenity, the Sands Street separated bike lane.



Streetfilms: Scenes From Summer Streets

Saturday was the second of three Summer Streets this August, with car-free streets along Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Couldn’t make it yourself? Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms, as always, has got you covered. Clarence says he was particularly struck by how many people pedaled the route using […]

Streetfilms: After School With Livable Streets Education

This spring, Livable Streets Education worked with teacher Tim Devaney at De La Salle Academy in Manhattan to bring real world issues into the classroom and the classroom into the real world. This after school program allowed students to explore, observe and interact with the streets and public spaces around their school, and provided firsthand […]

Get Your Tickets to the Streets Ball! Thursday, November 5

Come join the Streetsblog and Streetfilms team next month for our annual benefit, the Streets Ball, where you can support a year’s worth of high-impact reporting and videomaking in one spectacular night. Our guests of honor will be Council Member Jimmy van Bramer and Council Member Julissa Ferreras, who’ve been indispensable in the campaign to bring safer […]

Streetfilms Looking for Freelancers

With an enormous number of livable streets stories and activities on the horizon in NYC this summer, Streetfilms will be looking for help. So if you are very good with a camera, know transportation issues and are familiar with the current momentum of livable streets, send us your deets! The process to apply is here; […]