This Week in Livable Streets Events

Not a lot going on this week on the Streetsblog Calendar, but when Summer Streets is your bookend, how much more do you really need?

  • Wednesday: Join Streetfilms at the New York Transit Museum for a program of short films exploring and celebrating transit systems from across the country and around the world. Bring your game face for a quick round of Transit Trivia and win cool prizes that will make you the envy of all your transit-loving friends. After the screening, enjoy drink specials (and Bocce!) at Floyd on Atlantic Avenue. RSVP requested. 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday: Living Liberally will host "cheap/urban/sustainable," an open house about living sustainably in New York City
    without breaking the bank. The event will feature local businesses,
    community activists, demonstrations, films, and live entertainment. 6 – 9 p.m.
  • Saturday: It’s finally here: Summer
    kicks off for another season. Bicycle, skate or walk from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central
    Park on Park Avenue and other car-free streets from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.