Park-in-a-Box: Enter the Park(ing) Day NYC 2009 Design Competition


We’ve got a date for the third annual Park(ing) Day NYC festivities: September 18. For those unfamiliar with Park(ing) Day, it’s kind of like the Christmas of livable streets. Or maybe Sukkot is a better analogy. Parking spaces all over the city will be converted to mini-parks and pedestrian zones. For a day, the potential to re-program space for cars as space for people feels much more tangible.

Each year the designs get a little more creative, and people in more cities participate. This time around there’s a new wrinkle. Transportation Alternatives is organizing a competition called POP.Park in search of a portable, low-cost, pre-fab design for a Park(ing) spot conversion. These are the rules TA has laid out:

  • POP.Parks must fold into a box, reusable bag or tote that one person can carry while
    walking or riding public transportation.
  • Building materials that have little impact on the environment are encouraged.
  • When assembled, POP.Parks should be no larger than 8’x15′ – the size of a parking spot.
  • Materials can be found or purchased, but must not exceed $20 in cost.

The deadline for entries is September 1, with finalists invited to set up their designs on Park(ing) Day. The winner will be selected, American Idol style, through a text message vote. Creative people: Feeling up to the challenge? Here are the details.


Park Slope Has Its Park(ing) Day

Evicted from their Park(ing) Day spot by the 78th Precinct last month, Park Slope Neighbors (with the PD’s permission) observed the event over the weekend. StreetFilms’ new producer Elizabeth Press was there, talking to participants, passers-by and motorists who support human-oriented use of valuable public space. There will be a Park(ing) Day celebration tonight in […]

StreetFilms: Park(ing) Day 2007

Clarence Eckerson may have set an all-time speed record for the production of this inspiring StreetFilm on Park(ing) Day 2007. It’s a good one. Seeing pre-schoolers participating in an outdoor music class — in a parking space — on Brooklyn’s busy Cortelyou Rd., you definitely get the feeling that Park(ing) Day has, in just a […]

Park(ing) Day: Tomorrow, Reclaim the Curb

In preparation for Park(ing) Day festivities tomorrow, here’s a flashback to last year. If you’re setting up a spot, or will be hanging out in one or more the 50-plus spaces to be reclaimed for the day, share your photos with us by tagging them "parkingdaynyc" and "streetsblog" on Flickr. We’ll be posting pics from […]

How Will You Spend Park(ing) Day?

Tomorrow New Yorkers will lay claim to the city’s most undervalued real estate, unfurling sod and setting up seating, trees and public art for Park(ing) Day 2008. From Transportation Alternatives, here is a sampling of planned spots: Columbus Circle: Curbside break room with grass, communal work tables, internet access 8th Avenue at 15th Street: Tea […]

Parking it in Midtown

Today is International Park(ing) Day. Also known as a "parking squat," Park(ing) is a quasi-legal reclamation of urban street space in which a metered, curbside parking spaces are transformed into urban parkland complete with sod, benches, trees and human beings. Here is how Park(ing) Day is being celebrated this morning in Midtown Manhattan on 8th […]