Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Park(ing) Day


Park(ing) Day Scenes From Coast to Coast

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Today is a very fun day in cities around the U.S., when advocates for better public spaces unleash their imaginations on the dreary places where we normally store cars. Park(ing) Day is “an annual worldwide event where artists, designers and citizens transform metered parking spots into temporary public parks,” according to its organizers. Below we are showcasing […]

NYC Celebrates Park(ing) Day 2014

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Today’s the day when people across the world replace parking with parks to prompt their neighbors to think a bit differently about how we use street space. While participation in Park(ing) Day seems to have ebbed in New York recently, the city still made a decent showing this year. Here’s a sampler of the pop-up […]

Happy Park(ing) Day

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A shout out to our colleague Philip Winn for this parking-to-park animation, starring the OpenPlans Park(ing) Day installation at Crosby and Howard Streets, near Streetsblog headquarters. If you haven’t seen Angie’s Capitol Hill post from this afternoon — featuring curbside parks from Phoenix, Arizona, to Portland, Maine — don’t miss it. And all those photos don’t […]

Park(ing) Day Once Again Sweeps the Globe

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[smooth=id:33] One of our favorite aspects of Park(ing) Day is its international scope. Across the world, people know that street space is public space. Today’s the day they show how it can be re-purposed to provide more than parking. Check out the Park(ing) Day Flickr tag to see some truly impressive curbside installations from places like […]