Nothing Says Tranquility Like the Hum of a Huge Diesel Engine

The Mark Sanford scandal is a bit off topic for Streetsblog but Sean Roche at the Newton Streets & Sidewalks blog points us to this incredible passage from one of the e-mails between the South Carolina governor and his mistress in Argentina. Sanford writes:

me, and I suspect no one else on earth, there is something wonderful
about listening to country music playing in the cab, air conditioner
running, the hum of a huge diesel engine in the background, the
tranquility that comes with being in a virtual wilderness of trees and
marsh, the day breaking and vibrant pink coming alive in the morning
clouds — and getting to build something with each scoop of dirt.

How romantic!

And as if this story weren’t weird enough already, a profile of Sanford in American Conservative magazine provides another sordid tidbit about the governor’s diesel-powered meditation technique:

During Sanford’s first gubernatorial campaign in 2002, an 8-year-old
African-American girl wandered onto a Sanford family property on Lady’s
Island and drowned. A source close to the governor said she fell into a
"retaining pond." Her family’s lawyer, Manning Smith, called it a
"pit." Other sources claim that Sanford, who owned a hydraulic
excavator at the time, digs holes on his property to unwind.


5 Borough Bike Club General Meeting – 30 Days Down Under

G’day Mates! Hop on your “push bike,” and join Richard Sanford for his Australian adventure. His 600 mile, 30 day journey took place during Australia’s summer months, and early into the fall, from March 10 to April 10 of 2006. His 18 days of long distance touring along Australia’s east coast had him coming face […]

Hydrogen: Not as Green as it Seems

BMW’s new hydrogen-powered luxury sedan is about as environmentally-friendly as a diesel truck. Spiegel reports: The new car caters to the pleasing fantasy of customers spoiled by high-horsepower engines: That they can conform to ecological standards without making any sacrifices, burning "clean" fuel to their heart’s content. Advertising images display the Hydrogen 7 against a backdrop […]

Riverside Ride

Join Time’s Up! on bicycles or skates for a totally safe, magical, evening ride in Manhattan. As with their Moonlight Rides, you’ll share the tranquility of Central Park, plus they’ll add the lovely tree canopy and grand vistas of the Hudson River from Riverside Park. The scenic tour continues down the greenway to the lovely […]