Eyes on the Street: Broadway Improved Beyond Times Square


Not that it didn’t deserve the attention, but last month’s car-free Times Square debut overshadowed other major Broadway safety improvements like these to the north — including pedestrian islands and separated bike lanes — which are now well on their way to being implemented. These pics were taken last weekend just south of Columbus Circle between 57th and 55th Streets.





Photos: Brad Aaron


Eyes on the Street: A Walk Down Broadway Boulevard

After Summer Streets wrapped up last Saturday, I headed over to Times Square to check out the progress on DOT’s "Broadway Boulevard" project. The new street geometry and surfacing are mostly in place, while plantings and furniture have yet to arrive. The bike lane was also fully functional, making this pedicab ride across 41st Street […]

Eyes on the Street: Bike Boxes on (Brooklyn’s) Broadway

After taking an evening ride down Broadway in Williamsburg last week, Clarence Eckerson sent us a batch of pictures showing the street’s nifty new road treatments. Between Kent Avenue and Bedford Avenue, Broadway now sports bike lanes, bike boxes, and pedestrian refuges with space for plantings. The changes have significantly narrowed the car travel lanes, […]

Data-Free Times Story on Blind Pedestrians Slights All Who Walk NYC

As with any thriving metropolis, the New York streetscape is constantly changing. Whether related to sidewalk and street repair, utility maintenance or building construction, obstacles emerge and disappear around the clock, often leaving changes in their wake, in every corner of the city. For the physically impaired, of course, any of these changes can present a […]