Summer Streets Coming to Brooklyn This Weekend

After today’s rain clears out, it looks to be a beautiful weekend for two Summer Streets events in Brooklyn.
Starting tomorrow, Bedford Avenue from North 4th to North 9th
Street will be open to pedestrians only on six Saturdays
from noon to sunset. This year’s Williamsburg Walks is a project of community residents along with Neighbors Allied for Good Growth and The L Magazine.
Every Sunday in June, Vanderbilt Avenue between Dean Street and Park Place will go car-free from noon to 5 p.m., thanks to the Vanderbilt Avenue Merchants District and the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council. Says the PHNDC: "There will be music, art and gardening, face painting, sun and trees, shopping, eating and relaxing, biking and performances, and people watching. Plus a few surprises."
Word is there will be plenty more Summer Streets action this year. Stay tuned.