Complete Streets Could Hit a Speed Bump in Milwaukee

More and more, municipalities are seeing the advantages that "complete streets" development can bring to a community. The problem can be, as we see in a post by Streetsblog Network member Urban Milwaukee, that funding mechanisms are skewed heavily to a completely different kind of planning:

2ndstreetbeforefinal_300x221.jpgCould funding mechanisms prevent this…

S. 2nd St., in Walker’s Point, is another street in Milwaukee that
is more than ready to go on a diet. In fact there is an effort by a group of local business and property owners to have S. 2nd Street in Walker’s Point rebuilt as a transformative catalyst to build momentum
in an area of Milwaukee where the disparity between potential and reality is vast… Green features such as additional street trees, rain water retention strategies, lighting powered by renewable energy, and
additional plantings have been high on the list of improvements desired, but the concept goes much further by reducing the street from four to two lanes of motor vehicle traffic, the addition of bike lanes
and curb bump outs, the use of enhanced pavement materials, and the widening of sidewalks.

2ndstreetafterfinal_300x221.jpg…from becoming this?

Despite the desires of local property and business owners, somewhere within the walls of City Hall, possibly within the Department of Public Works, or likely on the freeway to Madison this idea has encountered one large speed bump… the funding mechanism which is intended to be used to fund the repaving of S. 2nd St. In this case it appears a future 2nd St. repaving project will utilize state funds, which unfortunately come with design guidelines inconsistent with an urban environment, because these guidelines are based on traffic count baselines developed solely to facilitate motorized travel. These guidelines include things like high speed turn lanes, multiple travel lanes, wide roads, little or no streetscaping, and the elimination of “vehicular obstacles” (trees).

Elsewhere around the network, people are thinking about health: DC Bicycle Transportation Examiner reports on the significant health risks that automobile pollution poses to drivers (as well as everyone else). Baltimore Spokes links to a study that shows transit users are three times more likely to meet the daily requirement for physical activity as those who don’t use transit. And CTA Tattler has the news about Chicago Mayor Richard Daley contradicting VP Joe Biden on subway-borne swine flu.



Scott Walker’s Bid to Strip Street Safety From Wisconsin Road Projects

There’s really no argument: GOP presidential hopeful Scott Walker has been an absolute disaster for transportation progress in Wisconsin. As governor, he’s slashed funding for transit, isolating urban workers in Milwaukee. Meanwhile, he’s increased funding for all sorts of wasteful highway projects, like the billion-dollar widening of I-94 in Milwaukee, pilfering funds for local roads […]

Scott Walker, Posterboy for Government Waste

It’s no secret that Scott Walker is basically running for president of the Tea Party from the governor’s seat in Wisconsin. But the fact is when you examine his policies, they’re not conservative at all. In fact, they’re wasteful. On transportation in particular, Walker is a consummate borrow-and-spender (particularly if that spending benefits his buddies […]

Scott Walker’s Own Party Rejects His Milwaukee Highway Boondoggle

Governor Scott Walker might be too busy campaigning for president to care, but the Wisconsin legislature handed him a rebuke last week, rejecting his plans for debt-fueled highway expansion. The Republican-controlled legislature’s Joint Finance Committee trimmed about 35 percent off Walker’s proposed $1.3 billion in borrowing for highways. If approved by the Assembly and Senate — a big […]

There’s Nothing Free About a Freeway Extension

There’s a double standard in American transportation. Propose a transit project, or even some extremely cheap bicycle or pedestrian improvements, and you’ll be met with a chorus of skepticism from politicians or local media about the high cost. Propose a highway project and few will even bat an eye at the price tag. Can you name […]

Midwest Rail Advocates Take the Fight to Scott Walker

In November, voters in 36 states will head to the polls to choose governors. Among the state leaders up for reelection is Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, who faces a strong challenge from Democrat and former Trek Bicycle executive Mary Burke. Walker is one of three Republican governors who rejected high-speed rail funds from the Obama administration in 2010 […]