Livable Streets Community News: What’s New on Your Account Page


We’ve got a treat this week for Livable Streets members. Account pages have been upgraded to give you an activity feed — similar to what you see on the homepage of a Facebook account — of everything new in your groups. Whether you belong to one group or many, this page is really useful for getting a quick overview of what your fellow Livable Streets activists are up to.

Any time someone joins your groups, responds to a discussion, writes a blog post, or adds to a wiki page, it shows up here chronologically. It’s easy to access while reading Streetsblog or watching Streetfilms: simply click on your login name in the upper right-hand corner (see the pink square above). You can also manage other aspects of your account and group membership in the sidebar.

Join the Community or find a group today, and you too can have a snazzy new account page. Let us know if you have questions or encounter problems.