Livable Streets Community News: What’s New on Your Account Page


We’ve got a treat this week for Livable Streets members. Account pages have been upgraded to give you an activity feed — similar to what you see on the homepage of a Facebook account — of everything new in your groups. Whether you belong to one group or many, this page is really useful for getting a quick overview of what your fellow Livable Streets activists are up to.

Any time someone joins your groups, responds to a discussion, writes a blog post, or adds to a wiki page, it shows up here chronologically. It’s easy to access while reading Streetsblog or watching Streetfilms: simply click on your login name in the upper right-hand corner (see the pink square above). You can also manage other aspects of your account and group membership in the sidebar.

Join the Community or find a group today, and you too can have a snazzy new account page. Let us know if you have questions or encounter problems.


Change Your City With Livable Streets Groups

Inwood: Lots of cyclists, precious few bike racks. Discuss. Have you joined a Livable Streets group yet? Groups are a great way to connect with other activists on a specific project (like this one), or to discuss livable streets issues in your area. Don’t see a group dedicated to your subject of choice? Start one! […]

Livable Streets Group Makes Pitch to CB12 Tonight

Upper Manhattanites plotted their street improvements on a map for tonight’s meeting with CB12. A few weeks ago my colleague Brad Aaron wrote about the ways Inwood residents are making great use of the groups feature on the Livable Streets Network. Tonight, the group Inwood and Washington Heights Livable Streets is taking its ideas to […]

Inwood Group Looks to Denver

Denver’s 16th St. Pedestrian Mall Some Inwood & Washington Heights Livable Streets members were torn between attending their own meeting and coming out to support nearby Community Board 8 this Wednesday. Brad Conover filed his own account of the CB 8 success, and Maggie Clarke reported back on the IWHLS meeting, bearing hopeful rumors of […]

Build a Livable Streets Knowledge Base. Contribute to StreetsWiki.

Since we launched the Livable Streets Network one month ago, our community-created reference site, StreetsWiki, has steadily grown. There are now 132 articles contributed and maintained by LSN users. Knowing Streetsblog’s audience, however, there’s a lot of expertise among our readers still waiting to be tapped. Anyone with a Livable Streets account can contribute to […]

Livable Streets Member of the Month: Dan Latorre

Livable Streets Community member Dan Latorre has gone above and beyond the call of duty in his activism this month. After prodding Transportation Alternatives’ Brooklyn committee to organize their work through a Livable Streets Group, he set up two online conference sessions to teach other members about the array of tools offered and what they’re […]