AARP Joins Campaign to Reform National Transpo Policy

AARP_bike.jpgPhoto: AARP

AARP announced today that it will join the Transportation for America campaign to advocate for a "broad restructuring" of national transportation policy. In a letter sent to Congressional leaders last week [PDF], AARP said that it is "working to enable older adults to live independently in their homes and communities throughout their lifespan, and transportation is critical to maintaining the community connections that make that possible."

Forty million Americans over the age of 50 belong to the organization,
which is increasingly focused on the
next federal transportation bill. "America is aging rapidly and transportation policy and spending must acknowledge this demographic shift," said AARP’s Nancy Leamond in a press statement. "The upcoming transportation authorization can help the nation prepare both for its graying years and a greener future by making roads safer for drivers of all ages and also offering more user friendly options for pedestrians and transit users."

AARP’s publications have been turning an eye toward the benefits of reducing car dependence and making streets safer for older Americans. Recent articles in the AARP Bulletin have examined Safe Streets for Seniors programs and the need to invest stimulus funds in infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit. An ongoing collaboration with Project for Public Spaces produced a series of three books about how citizens can improve their streets. You can meet the authors at a book launch and reception next Thursday at PPS’s office on Broadway and 4th Street.


Leaving Cars Behind, Seniors Find Streets Inhospitable

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Good to Go: Transit Options for Older Adults

Tuesday, September 26, 8:00 am – 12:30 pm. Kimmel Center, NYU, Manhattan "Good to Go: Transit Options for Older Adults." With James Simpson, Federal Transit Administration chief. Registration is required. To register, please fill out the registration brochure or call (212) 992-9864. Just as with the rest of the population, the aging population has mobility […]

Federal Complete Streets Legislation Gains Momentum

Complete streets advocates received a double dose of good news this week from Washington, D.C. For the first time ever, complete streets legislation is now introduced in both chambers of Congress, after the Safe and Complete Streets Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, the Senate version of the bill received its first […]

Seniors Survey Manhattan’s Deadliest Street

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Streetfilms: Interview With the Transportation Engineer

In his storied career at New Jersey DOT, Gary Toth played an indispensable role changing the culture of the agency, promoting a place-based ethic instead of the auto-centric transportation planning dogma. Today Toth heads transportation initiatives at Project for Public Spaces, where he has written "A Citizen’s Guide to Better Streets." The book, which will […]