Bloomberg Says Bikes Don’t Belong on the Subway

mayor_subway_533.jpgPhoto: AP via New York Times

How green is our mayor? Fielding a question on his weekly radio show about using the city’s underground tunnels to move freight, Michael Bloomberg this morning went off on cyclists who bring their bikes on board the subway. City Room has the quote:

There are messengers who do it. Some of them take their bikes, which drives me crazy, cause I’ve just never agreed with the M.T.A. I know bicyclists will now ring the phones off the hook, but they are just too big, particularly at rush hours — I just don’t think they should allow it. But I’m not running the M.T.A. …

While the mayor, who rides the 4/5/6 line to work, is not in charge of the MTA, he does control the city’s streets. Could it be that many East Side cyclists are driven underground by a lack of adequate biking facilities?

It’s disappointing that Bloomberg, who seems to understand the value in providing dedicated spaces to ride, doesn’t see a connection here. If he wants fewer cyclists on his train, protected bike lanes for the East Side would be a good place to start.


Now the MTA is Stealing Bikes in Williamsburg

Back in July, New York City’s Department of Transportation built sidewalk extensions and bike racks on a few automobile parking spaces-worth of street space near the Bedford Avenue subway stop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was the first time ever that on-street car parking had been replaced by bike parking in New York City. The Bedford […]

New York City Sets in Motion America’s Largest Bike-Share System

Five years ago, the New York City Department of Transportation signaled its interest in creating an extensive bike-share system “to accommodate a wide range of potential short trips.” Now New Yorkers have that system at their fingertips. With today’s launch of Citi Bike, there’s a new travel option in the mix — 6,000 bikes at 330 […]

Bloomberg: Citi Bike Software Not Ready for Prime Time Yet

The hold-up with NYC’s bike-share launch is technical, not political. Mayor Bloomberg revealed this afternoon that Citi Bike is behind schedule because of kinks in the system’s software that are still being worked out. The Public Bike System Company, which produces the kiosks and bikes for NYC’s system, recently switched software providers, claiming that its former […]

When in Rome, Share Bikes

The competition is heating up between Eurpoean cities seeking to build the best bicycling infrastructure. As we noted this morning, Amsterdam is mimicking Copenhagen‘s "green wave" for cyclists. And now Rome is bringing a Paris-style bike sharing project to the Italian capital by 2008. Modeled after the Parisian Vélib program, users will ride free for […]

Citi Bike Debuts in New York City!

Memorial Day 2013 marked a milestone in NYC transportation history: the debut of the city’s bike-share system, Citi Bike. At 330 stations, 6,000 bikes (of a planned 10,000) were available to more than 13,000 members who signed up for a yearly pass — and many of them couldn’t wait to hit the streets! The press conference […]