U.S. DOT: We’re Looking to Build Communities

Earlier today, New York’s transportation establishment got a feel for the livable streets vibe that’s been emanating from Washington this week. Vice Admiral Thomas Barrett, Deputy Secretary at U.S. DOT, was on hand to deliver the keynote at the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council‘s annual meeting. Here’s one passage that stood out:

The one-size-fits-all transportation project is going to have to give way to one that’s more tailored to preserving and enhancing the qualities — the sustainability, the environmental qualities, the community values — that make each city, each county across this country special. We’re looking to sustain and build communities — reinforce them in ways that work.

After the meeting wrapped up, I spoke to Tri-State Transportation Campaign director Kate Slevin to get her take on Barrett’s remarks. "Building communities is very different than building roads," she said. "It’s more about creating places that attract people."

Kind of gets you wondering whether there’s a secret backchannel between Ray LaHood and the fine folks at Project for Public Spaces.


U.S. DOT Secretary Gets a Message on Pedestrian Safety

We’ve got a fine sampling of content from the Streetsblog Network today. First, Steve Davis at Transportation for America reports on the meeting T4A and several of its partners had with U.S. DOT Secretary Ray LaHood on Monday. The meeting was to deliver a petition with more than 4,100 signatures gathered after last week’s release […]

The Ray LaHood Exit Interview

I had the chance to sit down with Ray LaHood yesterday morning before he spoke to the U.S. High-Speed Rail Association. Our conversation covered a wide range of topics, looking back on his four years at the helm of the U.S. Department of Transportation. We’ll publish the interview in three installments over the next few […]