Paterson’s MTA Rescue Bill Now Online

Included on the State Senate’s "MTA Ideas" web site is a PDF of the governor’s proposed MTA bailout plan. It is a huge bill which generally seems to echo the proposals made by the Ravitch Commission. Streetsblog will summarize the proposal as soon as we can digest its 78 pages. In the meantime, please share your impressions in the comments.


Andrew Cuomo Is Failing at One of His Most Basic Tasks

In 1981, then-MTA Chair Richard Ravitch wrote to Governor Hugh Carey, pleading for action “to meet the increasingly desperate situation of public transit in New York.” Carey responded by moving a suite of measures through Albany that led to the MTA’s first five-year capital program. Investments made through the capital program brought the transit system […]

NYC Bridge Tolls: The Solution That Won’t Go Away

Is 2010 the year of bridge tolls? Or will it be 2011 or 2012? If the editorial boards and political insiders are even half right, New York State appears to be back on the brink of an epic fiscal crisis. Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch said today that the state faces a deficit of $9 billion […]

Albany Chaos Open Thread

Photo: Times-Union With Governor Paterson’s political career flaming out in spectacular fashion, speculation is rampant that he might step down any day, thrusting Richard Ravitch into New York state’s executive office. Ravitch would inherit a budget crisis of epic proportions and a state capital that was already in utter disarray. The potential succession would also […]

Ravitch Unveils Broad MTA Rescue Package

Former MTA chief Richard Ravitch stood with Governor David Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning to discuss details of his commission’s plan to keep the cash-starved MTA afloat both in the short-term and in years to come. Streetsblog’s Ben Fried attended the news conference and will have more later. For now, here are a […]

What We Know So Far About Cuomo’s MTA Reinvention Commission

In early May, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed the MTA to create a “transportation reinvention” panel as the authority prepared its next five-year capital plan. Members were appointed late last month, and the commission has launched Facebook and Twitter accounts. But details about its agenda and how open it will be to the public are scant. […]