Wiki Wednesday: The Crosswalk Violator Crackdown

If New York could set up red light cams and speeding cams at its discretion to catch scofflaw motorists, there’s no doubt the city would be a much safer place. When it comes to automated enforcement, however, the state legislature holds many of the cards. Fortunately, there are other techniques available to NYPD to better protect pedestrians — techniques that don’t require Albany’s blessing. One of them is the "Crosswalk Sting," described by Andy Hamilton in this week’s StreetsWiki entry:

crosswalk_infringement.jpgWe’re walkin’ here! Photo courtesy of Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Image Library, Dan Burden.

A Crosswalk Sting or "pedestrian decoy operation" is an enforcement and
public education action in which plainclothes police officers cross at
marked or unmarked crosswalks, and drivers who fail to yield to them are
given warnings or tickets. An important aspect of the action is
notifying the media ahead of time to ensure good coverage of the
crosswalk sting, providing broader community awareness. Crosswalk
stings have been found to significantly increase yielding by drivers.

Skeptical that this technique would have much of an effect in a big American city? It’s certainly no substitute for automated enforcement, but in Miami, Andy reports, one study documented safer driver behavior in the wake of crosswalk stings:

Extensive anecdotal reports suggest police and residents find that
crosswalk stings increase yielding by motorists to pedestrians in
crosswalks. Very few controlled studies have been performed. A 2004
study of a sting operation in Miami, Florida, found that crosswalk
stings did in fact increase yielding.  Further, the researchers
found, "these increases were sustained for a
period of a year with minimal additional enforcement, and that the
effect generalized to untreated crosswalks… as well as crosswalks with
traffic signals."

How great would it be if an NYPD sergeant tipped off the Shame Shame Shame crew (although maybe Arnold Diaz isn’t the man for the job) and busted some crosswalk violators on New York’s mean streets? That officer would be a hero in my book.


Does the Box Blocking Crackdown Ignore Crosswalk Violations?

Manhattan Community Board 2’s Ian Dutton sends along this shot of a motorist about to be ticketed for blocking the box on Broome Street at W. Broadway in SoHo. Yesterday, police and traffic agents stepped up enforcement of what is a normally ignored traffic regulation. However, writes Ian: Note that blocking the box only applies […]

78th Precinct Targets Drivers Who Fail to Yield to Pedestrians

Last week, Police Commissioner Bratton said the 78th Precinct and its commanding officer, Deputy Inspector Michael Ameri, made him “proud of PD” by clearing snow from the Bergen Street bike lane. Here’s something even better: The 78th has amped up enforcement against drivers committing one of the city’s deadliest traffic violations — failing to yield to pedestrians […]

This Is What NYPD’s “Pedestrian Education” Looks Like

Walk against the light or cross midblock in Bay Ridge, and the 68th Precinct might hand you a flyer modeled after an official warning notice. Members of a Bay Ridge neighborhood Facebook group report officers on Fifth Avenue at 76th and 86th Streets handing out the flyers: “Pedestrian failed to exercise due care when crossing a roadway creating […]

Tacoma Vows to Prosecute Rogue Crosswalk Painters

A group calling themselves “Citizens for a Safer Tacoma” has painted five crosswalks around the city, in hopes of pressing officials to take pedestrian safety more seriously. The city of Tacoma, meanwhile, has reacted defensively, threatening to prosecute the group, according to King 5 News. Kurtis Kingsolver, interim public works director, complained to the television station […]