Eyes on the Street: A Guerrilla Message to DOT


This stencil appeared on the corner of Manhattan’s Duane and Greenwich Streets late last month. Our source tells us the message — "DOT what will it be, traffic light or dead like me" — stems from years of fruitless neighborhood efforts, as documented in this Streetfilm from 2006, to persuade the agency to install a signal at what residents say is a dangerous intersection. Community Board 1, Council Member Alan Gerson and Borough President Scott Stringer have joined the call, but to no avail.

Our tipster also speculates that this latest attempt could be the work of the SoHo Alliance, which we’re told has also demonstrated for the cause. What say you, Mr. Sweeney? 


CB 2 Committee Signs Off on Slate of SoHo Pedestrian Improvements

The transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 2 this week unanimously recommended that DOT implement two projects that would bring a menu of pedestrian safety improvements to SoHo, including a number of intersections near the Holland Tunnel. At the intersection of Canal Street and Hudson Street, DOT plans to add median islands and bump-outs to […]

Eyes on the Street: How About a Slow Zone for Prince Street?

Brooklyn Spoke’s Doug Gordon tweeted this photo Wednesday morning. This crash happened at the intersection of Prince and Crosby in Soho, which gets a ton of foot traffic and sees some of the highest bike counts in the city. It’s only random chance that someone didn’t get hit. One change that would help regulate drivers’ […]

Eyes on the Street: The Petrosino Square Renaissance

Petrosino Square has nearly doubled in size. Photo: Elizabeth Press. SoHo’s Petrosino Square was one of the first places identified by the New York City Streets Renaissance as a prime candidate for pedestrian reclamation. The western edge of the square, defined by Lafayette Street, used to give way abruptly to an inexplicable expanse of asphalt. […]

Expecting DOT Street Safety Projects to Deliver More Than the Minimum

A DOT plan to add painted bike lanes and sharrows to Spring Street [PDF] doesn’t go far enough to prioritize walking and biking, says Community Board 2 transportation vice-chair Maury Schott. Last Thursday, DOT presented the proposal to the CB 2 transportation committee. Two-thirds of the audience supported the plan, meeting attendees said, and neighborhood NIMBY […]

Eyes on the Street: If You Build It, They Will Sit

A Soho shopper takes a break on a new bench between the sidewalk and the bus bulb. Construction’s still underway on this block. Photo: Paco Abraham A couple weeks ago, we showed how the bus bulbs on Lower Broadway were being integrated with the sidewalk next to them. For drainage reasons, a small gap and […]