Update on Stimulus Action in the Senate — Keep Up the Pressure

The latest word from DC is that Kit Bond’s pro-highway/anti-rail amendments have yet to come to the floor, while the Inhofe/Boxer amendment to create a $50 billion highway slush fund is still being finalized by its authors. The phone calls and emails are having an effect — Boxer felt enough pressure to adjust her amendment, Transportation for America tells us, but the tweaks don’t go far enough. (This huge pool of money would not, for example, set aside any amount explicitly for transit.)

Advocates have to keep up the pressure on each count. Bond’s amendments are still very much a threat, and the Boxer/Inhofe amendment, while malleable, is a disaster waiting to happen in its current incarnation. The latest action item from T4A takes aim at both.

I hope you noticed that our Streetsblog Network Action Widget — it’s there on the right sidebar — is sporting a new call to arms for this latest fight in the Senate. If you’d like to add a dynamic action alert to your own blog or website, here are the instructions.