Call This Morning to Boost Transit Funding in Stimulus Package

Last night Jerrold Nadler’s stimulus bill amendment, which would add $3
billion for transit, cleared the House Rules
Committee. The full House may vote on the amendment by noon today, so the sooner you call your representative the better.

Transportation for America sends along some key points to make in your phone call:

  • In the poll released a few weeks ago by Transportation For America
    and the National Association of Realtors, fully 80% of respondents said
    that stimulus funds should not only create jobs, but also help us meet
    the goals of reducing oil dependence, improving the environment and
    increasing transportation options. Now is the time to increase much
    needed funding for public transportation.
  • Transportation For America has identified more than $5 billion in
    new transit extension and rail projects that could be ready to go in
    120 days, generating over 178,000 new jobs. These investments could put
    people to work building and operating rail cars and bus vehicles, in
    the steel and concrete industries and in design and planning

Tell us how things go in the comments.