When the Status Quo Doesn’t Cut It

1148711700_df81593cb6.jpgPhoto by Russ Morris via Flickr.

Today on the Streetsblog Network, people are questioning the status quo.  Sustainable Savannah writes that the faltering economy provides yet another good argument — along with slowing traffic and making streets safer — for converting one-way streets to two-way.

Elsewhere around the country, talk continues to be about stimulus spending on transportation. And it’s not happy talk. Christof Spieler at the Citizens’ Transportation Coalition in Houston, TX, laments the lack of vision in the stimulus proposals coming out of his state and others:

Picking up a list of already designed projects also perpetuates the
status quo in transportation planning, a status quo that has increased
how much we drive, decreased access to alternative forms of
transportation, and increased dependence on oil. We are overdue for
reevaluating transportation priorities; pulling projects off the shelf
doesn’t do that.

The Missouri Bicycle Federation lets the numbers tell the story of the stimulus requests in that state: 94.4 percent for roads (47.1 percent of that for expansion), 3 percent for transit, and how much for bicycles? Zero.

Also coming out of the network’s discussion list this morning is a call for action in Seattle, where after years of debate and community activism, the fate of the city’s waterfront–where the Alaskan Way Viaduct has blocked access for generations — will be decided before the end of the year. The People’s Waterfront Coalition is asking this week for a last push for support for the surface/transit/I-5 option for the viaduct’s replacement, rather than the construction of another elevated highway.

You can find out more about the complicated history of the viaduct replacement on network member blog Orphan Road.


Stimulus Package on Track to Perpetuate Transpo Status Quo

Will stimulus cash help implement New York’s five BRT pilot routes? Image: Gotham Gazette. A front page story in yesterday’s Washington Post has the most thorough analysis to date of how infrastructure spending may be divvied up in an Obama stimulus package. Nothing is set in stone, but the dividing lines are increasingly clear: States […]

Wiki Wednesday: Transit and the Stimulus

Post-stimulus, will this analogy still seem fitting? Today we’ve got a work in progress started by Livable Streets member Adina Levin, who’s tracking the status of transit funding in the stimulus bill. The entry’s a little skeletal at the moment, but once it fills out, this should be one of the more significant additions to […]

The Stimulus Bill: Time to Start Following the Money

Now that the president has signed the stimulus bill, members of the Streetsblog Network have thrown themselves into the task of trying to figure out where all that money is going. To that end, we’re featuring Transportation for America‘s "Full Summary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", a handy roundup of the […]

Making the Connections on Stimulus Spending

Lots of news from the Streetsblog Network today, some good and some not so good. Design New Haven has a thought-provoking piece about a recent argument from the Congress for the New Urbanism on how to target stimulus funding : According to the CNU, priority stimulus funding should be given to projects that enhance connectivity […]

Stimulus Forces Consideration of Transportation Priorities

What are this society’s transportation priorities? As Twin Cities Streets for People points out, the stimulus package is forcing governments and citizens across the country to confront that question. We’ve got their most recent post on the subject today on the Streetsblog Network. Photo by lonely radio via Flickr. Like many, the folks at TCSP […]

The Elevated Bikeways of Minneapolis?

Via Streetsblog Network member Twin Cities Streets for People, this vid depicts a fanciful best-case scenario should stimulus funds get funneled to highway expansion at the expense of transit, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure. Talk about unintended consequences. Excellent job by the filmmakers of putting a closed-off stretch of freeway to good use.