Another Reason to Embrace Pre-Payment

From today’s Times, published after bus driver Edwin Thomas was stabbed to death by a passenger who refused to pay the fare:

There is one bus route on which drivers do not have to worry about
fare beaters: the Bx12 Select Bus Route, which runs along Pelham
Parkway and Fordham Road in the Bronx and West 207th Street in Upper

On that route, riders now pay at curbside machines
before boarding. The machines give riders receipts that they must show,
if asked, to inspectors making random checks on the buses.

system, which is meant to speed travel by cutting the time it takes for
riders to board, frees drivers from having to worry about who has paid
and who has not. Drivers on the route say the system greatly lessens
the stress of the job.


When Will Select Bus Service Get Its Flashing Lights Back?

When Select Bus Service launched in 2008, the program included blue flashing lights on the front of each bus to help riders distinguish the service from local buses. This is particularly important for Select Bus Service, since most SBS routes require riders to pay their fare at a machine before boarding. The flashing lights help riders know whether […]

Finally Some Relief for Memphis Bus Riders

The shameful state of Memphis’s bus system is one of the more outrageous stories in American transit. When we checked in with the advocates at the Memphis Bus Riders Union in March, they told us the local transit agency, MATA, was running buses so poorly maintained that they were known to catch fire. In the midst of this crisis, local business leaders had marshaled enough cash to restore […]