No Takers for Contest to Make Fun of Walking, Biking, Transit

From the Competitive Enterprise Institute — the Phillip Morris-Amoco-Texaco-Ford-funded activist "think tank" that brought you such informational videos as "Where’s the Warming?" — comes this attack on World Carfree Day.

CEI invited YouTube auteurs to submit video responses in a competition for a $100 gas card, but its target audience may not think going car-free is all that nutty. They didn’t get any takers for their contest, though there were almost a dozen negative viewer comments, 100 percent of the feedback as of this writing.

In the video, narrator and CEI senior fellow Marlo Lewis says that car-free events are catching on "because there’s a growing political push to restrict car use." Uh, right. It isn’t like Americans are turning to transit, walking and biking for other reasons — rather than, say, relying on contests for free gas.

Video: CEIdotorg/YouTube


Rally for Mayor’s Groundbreaking Green Transportation Plan

Stand with Transportation Alternatives and a coalition of environmental, labor, business and community groups who all support the Mayor’s proposal for congestion pricing, less driving and more biking, walking and transit. Transportation Alternatives needs hundreds of people in attendance to show the strength and rightness of our cause! On Sunday, the Mayor made an historic announcement. After […]

El Paso Congressman Holds Town Hall Meetings on the Bus

Congressman Beto O’Rourke takes constituent outreach seriously. Not satisfied that he was reaching a broad enough segment of his El Paso constituents with traditional town-hall meetings, the freshman Democrat has taken up an unorthodox approach: holding discussions on local buses. Americans for Transit’s Rider’s Blog caught up with O’Rourke recently and asked him to explain: […]

Wiki Wednesday: Zero VMT Vehicles

In a StreetsWiki entry on zero VMT vehicles, Streetsblog regular gecko proposes that a focus on shifting mode share to human-powered vehicles like bikes and the Aerorider (right) would be the most efficient means to bring necessary reductions in greenhouse gases, and would transform Manhattan, for one, into a bright green paradise. Since it is […]

Caption Contest: Re-name This Foursome

Hat tip to Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics for this snapshot of four state senators who’ve helped concoct a stopgap, toll-less MTA funding plan that does nothing to address the imminent decline of New York’s transit system. Lest they be accused of completely shortchanging the future, they say maintenance and expansion can be taken […]

Transit Photo Contest Down to Ten Finalists – Time to Vote

The transit photo contest held by the Straphangers Campaign and Transportation Alternatives has moved into the final round. Five finalists have been selected for the photo that most captures New York City’s transit system at its best, and five have been chosen to represent the system at its worst. You can vote for your favorite […]