Cartoon Tuesday: Crisis Mode


This cartoon, by Tom Toles of the Washington Post via Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space, refers to DC subway funding, now under attack from conservative "think tanks." But it could just as easily apply to transportation and public works projects across the country, which continue to be largely overlooked despite their prior role as job generators in otherwise hard times.


Cartoon Tuesday: Captain Car-Free

Today is World Carfree Day, and though we somehow let it slip by us, NotionsCapital reappropriated this classic comic to promote events down DC way. They’re not super heroes per se, but in the livable streets universe, David Byrne, Janette Sadik-Khan and Paul Steely White are about as close as they come. You can catch […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back?

Hat tip to David Alpert for this Tom Toles toon, which nails the disconnect between the brave green world we’re supposedly entering and the dramatic cutbacks plaguing transit systems across the country. Click through for the punchline (I kind of gave it away already). Toles’ transit system, the DC Metro, is on the verge of […]

Cartoon Tuesday: More Car (Company) Trouble

Cartoonist Mark Fiore has more fun with Detroit this week. Click through for what to do when your car company breaks down. We’ve noticed that, in the midst of all the Big Three bashing, some are wondering how white-collar institutions like Citigroup can secure so much money from the feds while the blue-collar-employing automakers are […]