DOT Announces Summer Streets Photo Competition


Given the heretofore undiscovered perspectives it affords, Summer Streets presents its share of photo opportunities. Making the most of them, the Department of Transportation is holding a contest for amateur shutterbugs to show off their best shots. From the Summer Streets Photo Competition press release:

In addition to first prize and children’s
prizes, awards will be given out in five categories, including street
scenes, portraiture, landscaping and architecture, reportage and
sustainable transportation. The winning photos, determined by a jury of
professional photographers, photo editors, and curators, will be
exhibited this fall at a photo gallery and at City bike shelters, and
they also will be used to help DOT document Summer Streets for future
planning and to inspire cities around the world which are considering
similar events.

Pics from all three Summer Streets days are eligible. Participants may submit up to 10 images. Submissions are due by August 31, with winners to be announced mid-September. See the Summer Streets web site for submission specs.

Photo: Brad Aaron


Janette Sadik-Khan: A Reason to Love NYC in 2007

New York Magazine’s third annual "Reasons to Love New York City" issue hits newsstands this week. Reason #35? "Because the Head of the Department of Transportation is a Cycling Radical." While I’m not so sure that’s a completely accurate description of the Commish, Anthony Weiss nicely sums up the change underway at DOT: Nobody in […]

This Week: Biking Goes Mainstream; Summer Streets III, Part 2

It’s the dog days and community boards are still on vacation. Luckily, the calendar features two more weeks of this to look forward to: The view down Park Avenue last Saturday. Photo: Jeff Prant Thursday: How can NYC make cycling mainstream and integrate it with the city’s transportation system? NYCOT’s Jon Orcutt, Transportation Alternatives’ Caroline […]