Summer Streets

I’m planning on stopping by Williamsburg Walks this weekend. Next weekend I’ll be rolling over the Brooklyn Bridge with the whole family (on my new bakfiets, the Cadillac Escalade of bicycles) to participate in the big Summer Streets event in Manhattan. Clarence over at Streetfilms put together this 30-second promo video that will be airing on WCBS. He writes:

Here’s the official 30 second PSA promo that Streetfilms edited to help promote Summer Streets. The event is very similar to other great worldwide street happenings we have brought you – from Ciclovia in Bogotá, Colombia to Sunday Parkways in Portland, Oregon.

In NYC on three consecutive Saturdays – August 9th, 16th, and 23rd – a 7 mile circuit running from Park Avenue and 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge will be opened to cyclists, pedestrians and any kind of non-motorized activity you can think of.

Forgive Streetfilms’ prediction, but this is gonna be awesome! You’ll be seeing this promo on WCBS and the NYC DOT website as well, where you can find a boatload of details. Volunteers are still needed to help run the event. If interested here are the deets.


Eyes on the Street: First Weekend of Car-Free Summer Streets

A reader sends in these shots of weekend car-free street activity. Above, the crowd takes in a performance from the Fourth Arts Block "Meet the Street" series on East 4th Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue in Manhattan; below is a scene from the first Saturday of Williamsburg Walks, taken at North 6th and […]

Summer Streets Coming to Brooklyn This Weekend

Enjoying car-free Bedford Ave. during Williamsburg Walks 2008. Photo: acsweet/Flickr After today’s rain clears out, it looks to be a beautiful weekend for two Summer Streets events in Brooklyn. Starting tomorrow, Bedford Avenue from North 4th to North 9th Street will be open to pedestrians only on six Saturdays from noon to sunset. This year’s […]