Eyes on the Street: A Summer Space on Montague


In these shots from tipster Jeff Prant (more after the jump), Brooklyn Heights residents take advantage a car-free Montague Street this past weekend. Though the July 4th holiday, overcast skies, and inadequate publicity are all suspected to have affected turnout on its first week, those who missed out can enjoy Montague "Summer Space" events on Sundays through the rest of the month.



Eyes on the Street: Summer Space Revisited

Jeff Prant sent in this photo from last Sunday’s Summer Space, which just wrapped another season, on Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights. Click here for Jeff’s photos from the first day of the inaugural Summer Space, back in the summer of 2008. Were we ever so young?

Report: New Yorkers Like Ped Streets More Than They Expected

Enjoying a game of four-square out on the street in Jackson Heights. Photo: Transportation Alternatives. In addition to last summer’s blockbuster car-free event, Summer Streets, three New York neighborhoods tried out pedestrian streets on a more intimate scale. Williamsburg Walks, Summer Space in Brooklyn Heights, and the 78th Street Play Street in Jackson Heights gave […]

Pedestrian Safety in Brooklyn Heights

Pedestrian injury and fatality data from the Transportation Alternatives Crash Map A note from Transportation Alternatives putting this morning’s pedestrian fatality in Brooklyn Heights in context: This morning’s pedestrian fatality on Henry Street and Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights is not an isolated event. According to Transportation Alternatives’ Crashstat data, six pedestrians have been hit […]

Evaluating Summer Streets

Here's a modest proposal for evaluating the success of a Summer Streets event: Measure the amount of time kids are able to run and play without their parents having to worry about them being hit by a car, the number of friends you bump into and new people you meet, the pounds of automobile exhaust and carbon that aren't being spewed into the hot summer air, the amount of horn-honking, engine-revving and boom stereos you're not hearing, and whether your local merchants are happy about the event and making more money than they usually do on a slow summer weekend.

Eyes on the Street: Yarn by the Meter

The Montague Street Business Improvement District along with DOT’s Urban Art Program today unveiled the "69 Meters" public art project. Hand-knitted cozies will adorn all the street’s parking meters through mid-June. Says the BID: 69 Meters is a collaboration between [textile artist Magda] Sayeg -– the founder of Knitta Please, the guerilla knitting collective -– […]